PET tracers for diagnosis of basal forebrain neurodegeneration in aging

2022 MIRA Master’s Scholarship

Mobility decline is often assessed in structured settings, using physical performance measures that can be limited in capturing the holistic nature of mobility. The Life-Space Assessment (LSA) was developed to account for the numerous factors that influence mobility in everyday life. Research has shown that limited life-space mobility in older adults is associated with decreased quality of life, increased morbidity, and increased mortality. This will establish reference values for Canada and assess the measurement properties of the LSA in the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA).


Sama Jaberi
Psychiatry & Behavioural Neurosciences

Supervisor: Margaret Fahnestock, Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences
Sam Sadeghi, Chemistry & Chemical Biology

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MIRA and Labarge funding has supported many bold research projects to optimize the health and longevity of older adults.

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