Trainee Network Presents: MIRA Trainee Social

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Thank you to the 20 attendees of the Trainee Social who joined us to build professional relationships and engage in conversation about aging research. It was a great time sharing refreshing drinks and having lunch together at the Phoenix on McMaster Campus!

The MIRA Trainee Network is excited to announce our MIRA Trainee Social event on August 15th from 12-2 PM at the Phoenix on McMaster Campus. Open to undergraduates, graduates, and postdoctoral fellows, the Trainee Social offers a valuable opportunity to connect with your fellow trainees over some lunch.

This event is designed to facilitate interdisciplinary exchange and networking among trainees engaged in aging research.

Enjoy the summer sun, drinks and bites with your peers – a great opportunity to share ideas, explore collaborative opportunities, and build a network across various fields in aging research! We look forward to seeing you!

Please register by clicking here

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