Calls for Papers
Opportunities to publish scientific research on topics in the field of aging.

Open calls for academic papers
An updated list of academic and scientific journals actively seeking submissions on aging research topics.
Psychology & Aging
Proposal deadline: 12/31/2024
Special issue: Age-related processes in daily life
This special issue will provide a forum on how research examining daily and momentary assessments of age-related processes inform the study of adult aging and lifespan development.
The Gerontologist
ABSTRACT deadline: 1/15/2025
Special issue: Hispanic/Latinx healthy aging
This Special Issue will focus on new research regarding life course exposures, migration experience, physical and mental health, and social and economic well-being of aging Hispanic/Latinx populations in the United States and in their country of origin.
Journal of Marketing Management
submission deadline: 1/20/2025
Special issue: Ageing consumers: Reconceptualising perceptions of old age in marketing and management
Many assumptions are made about older people – that they are lonely, unwell, frail, vulnerable, and possess limited capacities – which become embedded within society, relationships, and markets. These stereotypes are dangerous as they shape how older people view themselves and how others view them, including ageist interactions from younger people (Nelson, 2005). The assumptions stem from overlooking older people that do not have to bear any of these characteristics and challenges alongside a lack of knowledge about an often-dismissed generation (Schau et al., 2009). Older people, for example, are challenging stereotypical perceptions of old age by are taking up graffiti, becoming influencers, adopting new technologies, and reclaiming grounds in the dating arena. Nevertheless, the public debate continues to routinely portray ageing consumers as a marginalised population segment characterised by ailments and creating issues and problems for society. We welcome conceptual, methodological, and empirical (qualitative or quantitative) contributions grounded in a range of perspectives that offer insights into the central topic of this Special Issue.
The Journals of Gerontology, Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences
Special issue: Translational geroscience
Recurring section dedicated to translational geroscience.
The Journals of Gerontology, Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences
Special issue: Translational geroscience
Recurring section dedicated to translational geroscience.