The promotion and sustainability of digital literacy skills for marginalized older adults 

2024 MIRA | Dixon Hall Knowledge Synthesis Grant

This project examines, synthesizes, and mobilizes knowledge concerning the promotion and sustainability of digital literacy skills for marginalized older adults as a means of addressing this population’s loneliness, social isolation, and emotional well-being.  

By systematically reviewing and synthesizing relevant literature in scholarly, private, and public sector domains, this project will mobilize knowledge that can help ensure digital literacy training programs for older adults are effective and sustainable over time. Supporting the advancement of digital literacy skills can increase opportunities to deepen and expand the social networks of older adults, and thereby address the increasing prevalence of loneliness and social isolation and lack of emotional well-being among this population.  

The goal is to identify knowledge gaps and opportunities in the promotion and sustainability of digital literacy skills for marginalized older adults, synthesize these results in one or more knowledge synthesis reports, and then mobilize this knowledge in several formats via MIRA’s VOICE platform, a MIRA | Dixon Hall event, and the Optimal Aging Portal. We will mobilize findings to stakeholders and interested audiences as a means of communicating results and launching next steps into digital literacy solutions that address social isolation, loneliness, and emotional well-being among marginalized older adults that promote digital literacy skills among this population in ways that are sustainable. 

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MIRA and Labarge funding has supported many bold research projects to optimize the health and longevity of older adults.

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Woman reading a MIRA annual report