Promoting optimal aging through equitable access to specialized geriatric services in Ontario

2019 MIRA Postdoctoral Fellow

Specialized geriatric services (SGS) play a vital role in caring for frail, older adults with multiple, complex needs. However, resources are limited, and services are not equitably distributed geographically. The aim of this research will be to explore factors associated with access to SGS; investigate future supply and demand for these services; develop a SGS tool to equitably allocate SGS resources to frail older adults who would most benefit; increase collaboration and integration between care providers; help policymakers at system-level to better allocate resources; and guide the growth and expansion of SGS services to meet the needs of an aging population.

Sophie Hogeveen
Health Research Methods, Evidence & Impact

Supervisor: Andrew Costa, Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence, and Impact
Mentors: Manaf Zargoush, Department of Health Policy and Management,
Arthur Sweetman, Department of Economics

Our Research

MIRA and Labarge funding has supported many bold research projects to optimize the health and longevity of older adults.

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