Promoting optimal aging through equitable access to “care of the elderly” family physicians

2021 MIRA Ph.D. Scholarship

Compared to other physician groups, family physicians deliver the highest volume of medical services to older adults. To increase family physicians’ knowledge and skills in caring for older adults, the regulatory College of Family Physicians of Canada offers a Certificate of Added Competence in ‘Care of the Elderly.’ Since 2015, more than 340 family physicians have earned this designation, but little is known about how these providers practice and their impacts within the health system. This research will examine how ‘Care of the Elderly’ family physicians influence patient- and population-level outcomes among older adults in Ontario. This work will establish a novel classification for these providers in population health databases, so that their practice patterns and the health services outcomes of their patients can be studied.


Rebecca Correia
Health Research Methodology

Supervisor: Andrew Costa, Health Research Methods, Evidence, and Impact
Arthur Sweetman, Economics

Our Research

MIRA and Labarge funding has supported many bold research projects to optimize the health and longevity of older adults.

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