Context-aware multisensory monitoring for aging-in-place applications

2023 LCMA | sMAP (Smart Mobility for Aging Populations) Master’s Scholarship 

Awarded to: Oishee Ghosh, Biomedical Engineering, ENG
Supervisor: Qiyin Fang, Engineering Physics, ENG
Mentor: Henry Siu, Family Medicine, FHS

This project involves using the context-aware system to measure and monitor mobility status and its change over time in mid to long-term applications for older adults living at home. A context-aware system implicates multiple sensors to establish the location and activity of a user within a defined region. For example, in a house, the context-aware system can track the position and activity of a user doing dishes in the kitchen to then eating in the dining room. Establishing context activity is beneficial since it assists in extrapolating behaviour assessment, particularly over long-term datasets (e.g. 3 months). This data can be used to better understand longer-term detection of daily mobility activity and changes.

The anticipated outcomes of this project include the development of a complete system for recording and analyzing physiological and mobility data for older adults. By validating this system against the most current standards in mobility research, we aim to advance the field of non-intrusive methods for physiological and mobility data analysis. The ultimate goal is to create a protocol that can be reliably used within the context of at-home care, to support aging-in-place in conjunction with healthcare professionals from various backgrounds.

Oishee Ghosh
Biomedical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering

Our Research

MIRA and Labarge funding has supported many bold research projects to optimize the health and longevity of older adults.

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