Adaptation of the CP@clinic program to improve quality of life and healthy aging in low-income urban dwellers

MIRA | Dixon Hall Research Grant

Principal Investigator:

Gina Agarwal, Faculty of Health Sciences


Low-income older adults living in subsidized housing are a vulnerable population and report poorer health. This population has a higher risk of developing multiple chronic conditions, falling, poorer mental health and experiencing poverty and social isolation. Community Paramedicine at Clinic (CP@clinic) is an innovative, evidence-based chronic disease prevention, management, and health promotion program that seeks to improve older adults’ health and quality of life — reducing their social isolation; better connecting them with primary care and community resources; and reducing the economic burden of avoidable 911 calls by older adults.

Through stakeholder engagement and early knowledge translation, an adapted CP@clinic program will be developed with modified tools and implementation guides for Dixon Hall. Both will be enhanced via continuous quality improvement, and a final program template will be developed for future program scale-up and sustainability.

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MIRA and Labarge funding has supported many bold research projects to optimize the health and longevity of older adults.

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