macPAGE is your online passport for education on aging, care of older adults, and geriatrics at McMaster University.

Are you interested in learning more about all aspects of aging and how you can age in good health? Do you want to supplement your training by learning new skills? Would you like to develop your established skills in new settings?
Now is the perfect time to sign up for the McMaster Passport for Aging Education (macPAGE). MacPAGE provides learners with a structured program with opportunities to participate in and share out-of-classroom experiences working with older adults in relation to research on aging. It provides students with an opportunity to collect these out-of-classroom experiences and communicate about them in a way that can support their pursuit of future employment and educational opportunities.
What is macPAGE?
An opportunity to track and collect all your out-of-class activities related to aging research or working with older adults in one convenient place
A way to discover new opportunities to learn about this field, and share opportunities you participate in with other students
A tool to support you in communicating the value of your experiences and learning with others
How can I access macPAGE?
macPAGE can be accessed at You will need a Google account to log in.
Can I complete macPAGE while students are learning online?
Yes. macPAGE allows students to count online or distance experiences such as webinars, volunteering on a telephone support line, and online courses towards their hours. With many research areas offering webinars and video lectures publicly online, now is a perfect time to fit these opportunities around your busy schedule.
What do I do on macPAGE?
Students complete 30 hours of experience across seven learning pillars, which include courses, experiential learning, clinical experience, volunteering and intergenerational community involvement, self-directed learning, research, and lectures. There are pre-populated lists of activities in these pillars to get you started, but students are welcome to submit any activity that fits in a pillar and involves working with older adults or learning about aging. Students complete a short reflection for each pillar and an overall reflection on how completing these activities has shaped their views on aging and older adults.
MacPAGE allows you to recognize work you have already been doing this year, students can include experiences they have completed in the past 6 months.
Students who complete the program will receive a Certificate of Completion for Research on Aging and Engagement with Older Adults. This certificate recognizes students’ hard work and helps to communicate your knowledge and passion around aging with others.
Sign Up
Join macPAGE today to have your learning and research recognized with a McMaster certificate.
Visit the macPAGE website