Parents Are Hard to Raise

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Published: ​June 18, 2019 

MIRA researcher and associate professor in the department of family medicine, Doug Oliver, was featured on Parents Are Hard to Raise, a podcast hosted by Diane Berardi.  Dr. Oliver discussed his work with Health TAPESTRY, an innovative program that is using technology, people and community to help our aging parents live healthier, longer. 

“TAPESTRY is a program that starts with primary care, in your family doctor’s office, and it’s available and open to people in a lot of communities here in Ontario for anyone over the age of 70 that wants to learn more about aging optimally in their own home.” said Dr. Oliver. “It’s about getting community involved with helping to support our older adults in our communities. It’s about primary care, working in teams to sort of deliver care that’s focused around a patient’s specific goals.”

Listen to the full interview here.