New Collaborations on the Horizon for designCORE and MIRA

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designCORE MIRA visitPublished: ​June 24, 2019​ 

A member of McMaster Institute for Research on Aging (MIRA) and the lead of the ‘McMaster Smart Home for Aging’ research living lab, Professor Fang’s visit served to further develop postgraduate research and undergraduate projects in line with the Memorandum of Understanding signed by McMaster University and designCORE in 2018.

Since 2016, designCORE and MIRA have been working closely together, utilising design approaches within interdisciplinary teams across six faculties at McMaster University. Dr. P.J White of designCORE and IT Carlow, commented on the collaboration, “Design is being interpreted and implemented in various ways both nationally and internationally. The recent visit to designCORE by Professor Fang builds upon work initiated by my colleague, Colin Deevy and I at McMaster in 2016. It underpins our shared conviction that if design is to successfully address intractably complex problems, it can only be achieved through interdisciplinary engagement and an evidence-based, design-led approach’

During his visit, Professor Fang enjoyed a tour of the designCORE lab, the Institute’s undergraduate facilities and the ‘Future Studio’, the new enterprise space at the Enterprise and Research Incubation Campus, located on the grounds of IT Carlow.

Professor Fang met with the President of Institute of Technology Carlow, Dr. Patricia Mulcahy to discuss the growing relationship between both institutes, and with members of designCORE and engCORE to discuss opportunities for research and teaching, including a discussion on the ‘McMaster Smart Home for Aging’ and the development of a new module in ‘Design within Health Sciences’ at McMaster University.

This article was first published by the IT Carlow. Read the original article