MIRA Launches Spring Funding Cycle

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MIRA announces over $400,000 in funding for aging research, supporting interdisciplinary projects across the University.

Labarge Catalyst Grants in Mobility in Aging will provide pilot funding to teams led by early-to-mid career researchers (PIs within eight years of their first academic appointment), allocating one $40,000 grant to each of McMaster’s six Faculties. Previous Labarge Catalyst Grants have addressed topics in aging ranging from measuring and promoting exercise and physical activity, to mobility in the community, through housing and health systems, and the barriers and facilitators to optimizing mobility in older adults. Applications are due by July 31.

The MIRA Postdoctoral Fellowship program develops the capacity of future leaders in aging research and generates evidence that contributes to the well-being of older adults. Fellowships are valued at $50,000 (salary) plus $3,000 research expense allowance per year with the possibility for renewal in year two; supervisor(s) must provide matching support to cover the fellow’s benefits. The maximum amount of funding per fellowship is $106,000 over two years. Applicants must submit a Notice of Intent by June 24; all eligible applicants will be invited to submit a full application by July 15.

MIRA Catalyst Grant in the Biology of Aging stimulates new collaborations investigating the aging-related molecular and cellular mechanisms that are candidate risk factors and drivers of common chronic conditions and diseases associated with age. Valued at $40,000 over one year, this award will support a team of researchers from at least three different McMaster Faculties to utilise a geroscience approach: incorporating basic aging biology, chronic disease and clinical research, to investigate how the aging process represents a major risk factor for the development of chronic diseases and conditions that may represent the potential drivers of the aging process. Applications are due by August 15.

More information, including the full calls for these funding opportunities is available on our funding page.