MIRA | Collaborative Webinar Series: Engaging and partnering with older adults in the MIRA Collaborative

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MIRA Collaborative Webinar Series 2.1

Published: May 27, 2021 

Join the MIRA | Collaborative for Health & Aging on Wednesday, June 2 from 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. ET for the second MIRA | Collaborative webinar, “Engaging and partnering with older adults in the MIRA Collaborative: implementation and evaluation.” Click here to register.

During this webinar, Drs. Rebecca Ganann, Julia Abelson, Maggie MacNeil and patient partner Penelope Petrie will help attendees gain an understanding of the background of patient-oriented research; learn and discuss principles that guide the engagement of older people; and gain insight into the results of a systematic review of the literature on the implementation and impact of patient or public involvement in health research and how patient partners contributed to that review.