In the media | Coronavirus and the brain: Diagnosing and treating COVID-19’s neurological effects

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A patient is prepared for neurocognitive assessment.

Published: July 23, 2020 | ByJohn F. Connolly 

MIRA researcher, Chair in the Cognitive Neuroscience of Language, and co-director of Language, Memory & Brain Laboratories at McMaster University, John Connolly wrote an article on his laboratory’s success in correcting some misconceptions about neurocognitive function after a brain injury.

His lab has partnered with a McMaster neurotech startup VoxNeuro, to make their electroencephalogram-based (EEG-based) methods available to health-care providers and their patients outside of research settings after requests from their health-care research partners to use the method clinically. Together, they are well-positioned to use these same pioneering assessment methods in COVID-19 patients.

Read the full story here.