Evidence Review: Partnering with Older Adults and Communities to Develop and Test a Community-Based Program to Enhance Physical and Community Mobility in Older Adults

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Published: June 28, 2021 

Researchers from the Aging, Community and Health Research Unit’s EMBOLDEN team have found that group-based physical activity programs that combine different types of exercise are most effective in improving mobility in older adults.

June is Seniors Month in Ontario, and these findings are timely for this year’s theme “Stay safe, active and connected.”

The EMBOLDEN team conducted an evidence review, led by EMBOLDEN’s co-principal investigator, Dr. Sarah Neil-Sztramko, to identify the best available research on the effects of group-based physical activity and nutrition programs to promote mobility in older adults (55 years of age and older) living in the community. The results will inform the co-design of a community-based program.

The overall goal of the EMBOLDEN research program is to promote physical and community mobility of older adults who experience difficulties participating in community programs and reside in communities of high health inequity. Building on the best available research and local evidence, researchers are partnering with local older adults and community service providers to co-design an innovative community-based program to promote mobility amongst older adults.

Click here to view the Infographic

Click here to view the Research Brief

This article was first published on ACHRU. Read the original article here.