Suzanne Labarge Lecture in Aging + MIRA Trainee Mentoring Event | featuring Dr. Stephen Lord  


April 14 2025


12:30 – 2:45 PM ET


McMaster Innovation Park
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The McMaster Institute for Research on Aging (MIRA) invites trainees to the inaugural Suzanne Labarge Lecture in Aging.

This exciting event welcomes Dr. Stephen Lord, a Senior Principal Research Fellow and Director of the Fall, Balance and Injury Research Centre at Neuroscience Research Australia for a talk on the role of new technologies for mitigating risk and facilitating mobility assessments and fall prevention interventions in older people and includes a special opportunity for MIRA Trainees to network with Dr Lord and other senior leaders in aging research from across Canada.

About Trainee Speed Mentoring
The lecture will be attended by leaders in aging research from across Canada who, along with Dr. Lord, will be participating in a special speed mentoring session, giving MIRA Trainees the opportunity to network and connect with this group of highly accomplished researchers.

About Dr. Lord’s Lecture
Dr. Lord’s lecture will synthesize recent findings on the role of new technologies for facilitating fall risk and mobility assessments and fall prevention interventions in older people. Topics will include: the utility of wearable sensors (for example, wrist-worn sensors and smart phones) for improving fall prediction; and the efficacy of e-health, exergame, virtual reality, and reactive balance training interventions for fall prevention. The presentation will conclude with a discussion on how this new research can be made available to older people and be implemented into government policies and clinical practice.