Downsizing? Five things to look for in an age-friendly community

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iStock-479223516 Published: June 6, 2017 

Jim Dunn, MIRA member and a professor of health, aging and society at McMaster University was featured in a recent Globe and Mail article about age-friendly communities.

House hunters nearing retirement should think about how they would get to the grocery store, pharmacy, swimming pool or a friend’s house without a driver’s licence, said Jim Dunn, a professor of health, aging and society at McMaster University. When retirees choose to live in car-oriented communities, “it may actually curtail the amount of time they can live independently.”

Communities that offer amenities within walking distance, and good bus, train or streetcar service, can help seniors age in their own homes. For older adults in urban areas, Dunn said, multi-unit buildings on transit routes “make the most sense.”

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