Join our Community Newsletter
We look forward to communicating with you about community events (in-person and online), research studies looking for participants and accurate, evidence-based resources about aging.
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Engaging older adults
Our research and training is made possible by the engaged community members who share their stories with us. They are an important part of our vibrant university community.

Opportunities for Community Members
The community members who work with MIRA and our researchers are a crucial part of moving forward with aging research and education. Your insights help guide research to look at what is most important and what will have the biggest impact on the lives of older adults.
At MIRA and McMaster, there are many opportunities for community members to get engaged in research, their own life-long learning, and be part of exciting community events at the university. Our Intergenerational Club is an opportunity for older adults to interact with students, where everyone learns about the experiences of another generation — while having a fun time.

Participate in Research
Voice Canada
MIRA is proud to help bring the community engagement platform Voice ( to Canada. Through Voice, community members can find new studies to participate in, give input to researchers throughout the research process and learn about the results of research work.
voice canadaLife Long Learners
Credit and non-credit options
McMaster supports older adults to engage with learning at the university — from credit courses, to continuing education to being a course auditor. Community programs support older adults too. It is never too late to learn something new.
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Age-Friendly University
Making campus accessible
In October 2017, McMaster became the second Canadian University to join the international Age-Friendly University (AFU) network, a global body of higher institutions committed to becoming more accessible.
learn morePartners & Community Resources
Resources for older adults, caregivers, community members and anyone else who is aging.
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Caregiving Essentials Course
Free course for caregivers
A free eight-week online course for caregivers to enhance their knowledge and skills. Caregivers will access information at your own pace and meet others through an online discussion board. Offered through McMaster Continuing Education.
Caregiving Essentials CourseIntergenerational Club
The Intergenerational Club brings together older adults and McMaster students to have great conversations, build new relationships and learn more about each other.
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