Research Centres

MIRA’s Research Centres connect diversely skilled researchers and trainees around the most pressing questions in aging.

Overhead photo of crowds looking at research posters

Responsive, Engaged, Ambitious

Much of MIRA’s support to research flows through our two focused research centres — the Labarge Centre for Mobility in Aging (LCMA) and the MIRA | Dixon Hall Centre. At these centres, diverse research skillsets, critical resources and the insights of knowledge users crystalize as bold research.

Labarge Centre for Mobility in Aging

The Labarge Centre for Mobility in Aging (LCMA), examines the biological, behavioural, technological and environmental factors that can affect individual and community mobility in older adults.

MIRA | Dixon Hall Centre

Formed in partnership with Dixon Hall — a multi-service agency supporting older adults — the centre is enhancing research with, and services for, older adults living in the community.

Affiliate Research Centres

McMaster University is a leader in aging research. We work closely with the teams who share in creating this unique place for aging research.

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Our Research

MIRA and Labarge funding has supported many bold research projects to optimize the health and longevity of older adults.

our research
Dylan Kobsar presents Catalyst Grant-supported resarch graph