Community-Based Program Improves Quality of Life for Older Adults with Diabetes and Other Chronic Conditions

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Published: December 22, 2017 â€‹ 

Older adults with diabetes and other chronic conditions, who participated in the ACHRU’s community-based program, had improved quality of life, reduced depressive symptoms and better self-management with no extra healthcare cost compared to usual care.

These key findings from the ACHRU’s latest publication, in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society (JAGS), provide a foundation for the development and dissemination of a new and innovative community-based model for diabetes care across Canada.

Researchers compared the effect of the 6-month community-based intervention with that of usual care on quality of life, depressive symptoms, anxiety, self-efficacy, self-management and healthcare costs in older adult patients with T2 diabetes and two or more chronic conditions. Participants were offered up to three in-home visits from a registered nurse or registered dietitian, a monthly group wellness program, monthly provider team case conferences and care coordination and system navigation.

Markle-Reid M, Ploeg J, Fraser K, Fisher KA, Bartholomew A, Griffith L, Miklavcic J, Gafni A, Thabane L, Upshur R. (2017) Community program improves quality of life and self-management in older adults with diabetes and comorbidity. JAGS DOI: 10.1111/jgs.15173

Click here to read the JAGS online publication

Click here to read more on this study

Source: Aging, Community and Health Research Unit