Writer in residence seeks writers at home

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At a time when we’re all spending more time than ever at home, Writer in Residence Janet Rogers invites Mac students and community members to share stories of what home means to them.

Published: April 23, 2020 | By Erica Balch 

What does “home” mean to you?

It might be where you live, or where you used to live. It might be where you find a sense of fulfillment or belonging — your community, your workplace, your school or a special spot where you can get away from those things. It might be wherever your family or friends are to be found.

It might not even be a physical space at all.

As the pandemic blurs boundaries between home and life outside it, the word home has never carried more meaning.

So, whatever “home” means for you — a space or something far less tangible — Janet Rogers, the Mabel Pugh Taylor Writer in Residence, wants to hear from you, the writers at home.

Rogers is inviting Mac students and Hamilton-based poets and writers to submit original pieces on the theme of “home.” These pieces can come in the form of written works — personal reflections or poems — or audio recordings. Selections from the contributions will be showcased on a podcast, produced and hosted by Rogers, and shared on McMaster University and Hamilton Public Library websites and social media platforms.

Janet Rogers is a Mohawk/Tuscarora writer who was born in Vancouver and currently lives on the Six Nations reserve. She works in page poetry, spoken word performance poetry, video poetry and recorded poetry with music. She is a radio broadcaster, documentary producer and media and sound artist.

Please email submissions to englwir@mcmaster.ca by Friday, May 8. 

Submissions should include:

  • An MP3 audio recording of you reading your piece of writing or poetry, no longer than 5 minutes, or a text file of your work
  • A description of your written or audio work, including title and a bit of history or inspiration in text.
  • A brief bio, no more than 3 or 4 lines


The Mabel Pugh Taylor Writer in Residence Program is jointly supported by McMaster’s Department of English and Cultural Studies, McMaster University Library, and the Hamilton Public Library. Each year, the program invites an established writer to work one-on-one with aspiring authors at McMaster and within the Hamilton community.

During the COVID-19 protocols for social isolation, Janet Rogers is serving as “Writer-in- Electronic-Residence.”

To arrange a consultation with Janet Rogers, email englwir@mcmaster.ca

EMAIL OFFICE HOURS: 1-5 pm, Mondays-Thursdays

This article was first published on Daily News. Read the original article