Partnering principles and strategies: A guidance document for researchers, patients and caregivers

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Guiding principles document

Published: December 14, 2020 

A step-by-step guide to plan for and involve patient, caregiver, and public research partners is now available online at under ‘Resources’.

Developed by researchers from the MIRA Collaborative for Health & Aging, this guide outlines core principles like clear communication, information exchange, empowerment, transparency, mutual respect and responsiveness. Researchers can also learn best practices for recruitment, orientation and meetings.

Funded by the Ontario SPOR SUPPORT Unit (OSSU), the Collaborative was formed in 2019 by the McMaster Institute for Research on Aging (MIRA) and the McMaster School of Nursing’s Aging, Community and Health Research Unit (ACHRU). Parminder Raina and Maureen Markle-Reid, who are scientific directors of MIRA and ACHRU respectively, co-lead the Collaborative.

This new guide has been developed by the Collaborative’s patient engagement group of experts, led by Dr. Julia Abelson, Professor, Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence, and Impact (HEI) and Dr. Rebecca Ganann, Assistant Professor, School of Nursing. Their aim is to advance patient engagement to ensure representation of their needs, perspectives, and aspirations at all levels of health care decision-making.  

To access the step-by-step guide, click here.