An older woman wearing VR glasses

Adding Years to Life and Life to Years

You can call us MIRA

The McMaster Institute for Research on Aging (MIRA) works to optimize the health and longevity of Canada’s aging population through leading-edge research, education and stakeholder collaboration — while upholding the values of integrity, excellence, collaboration, inclusion and transparency.

  • News

    Announcing the inaugural Suzanne Labarge Lecture in Aging

    The prestigious Suzanne Labarge Lecture in Aging welcomes Dr. Stephen Lord, a Senior Principal Research Fellow at Neuroscience Research Australia and Scientia Professor at the University of New South Wales. As the Director of the Fall, Balance and Injury Research Centre, Dr. Lord is world-renowned for his research on balance, gait, and falls in older adults. His work has greatly influenced fall prevention strategies and has been adopted globally by researchers and clinicians. 

Aging Reimagined Through Focused Research Centres

MIRA’s Research Centres connect diversely skilled researchers and trainees around the most pressing questions in aging.

Trainee poster presentation
Labarge Centre for Mobility in Aging

The Labarge Centre for Mobility in Aging (LCMA), examines the biological, behavioural, technological and environmental factors that can affect individual and community mobility in older adults.

Dixon Hall and MIRA staff with umbrellas
MIRA | Dixon Hall Centre

Formed in partnership with Dixon Hall — a multi-service agency supporting older adults — the centre is enhancing research with, and services for, older adults living in the community.

Platforms Supporting Aging Research

Tools and evidence to support older adults, caregivers, researchers, and policymakers.


We all have wisdom, skills and a lifetime of experience — contribute yours to ensure that aging research is led by the real-world needs and priorities of real people.

McMaster Optimal Aging Portal

Your source for healthy aging information that you can trust. The Optimal Aging Portal provides easy-to-understand, evidence-based information for everyone.

Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging

The Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA) is a large, national, long-term study and research platform of more than 50,000 individuals who were between the ages of 45 and 85 at recruitment.


Understanding aging and health across generations of families.

Researchers and community members work at a table together

Collaborate with MIRA

MIRA is an interdisciplinary network of researchers supported through dedicated funding, strategic resources, knowledge sharing and partnerships. We are always seeking new ways to work together to improve the lives of older adults. 


Research Projects

MIRA members are leading bold, forward-looking research on the issues most important to older adults.

Major Programs and Strategic Initiatives

Our expert teams of researchers and knowledge users are addressing the most complex issues in aging through major programs of research.

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Catalyst Projects

Through catalyst projects, our researchers conduct novel research on emerging issues in aging — facilitating new collaborations and preparing the groundwork for full-scale studies.

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Funded Trainees

Supporting the future of aging research in Canada, MIRA helps fund the work of undergrad, master’s, doctoral and postdoctoral trainees.

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 Education & Training

At McMaster, trainees are an active part of the research, community engagement and knowledge translation that makes us an international leader in aging. MIRA trainees from all six McMaster faculties are supported through dedicated funding, an engaged trainee network and specialized learning opportunities. 

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Stu Phillips fistbumps a trainee
Brenda Vrkljan speaking with older adults at a table


We help community members participate in research, hear about upcoming events, learn at the university and we celebrate the value of older adults to society.

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Aging resources for researchers, knowledge users and policymakers.


Videos on aging research at McMaster.


Learn more about MIRA and Labarge initiatives through our Annual Reports.


Read about some of MIRA’s most impactful research publications.

Aging Conferences

Some of the upcoming conferences on aging across the globe.

Open Access Repos & Datasets

Resources for researchers and policymakers seeking openly available data on aging.

See the resources

Contact Us

We are always excited to hear from researchers, community members, policymakers and anyone else interested in improving the lives of older adults.

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Support Us

Are you interested in contributing to the future of aging? We want to work with you.

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