Examining the role of frailty in SARS-CoV-2 infection and vaccine response in older adults

2021 MIRA Postdoctoral Fellow

COVID-19 is having a devastating impact on older adults in long-term care in Canada. This research project is part of the largest study in Canada to examine immunity and vaccine efficacy in older adults in long-term care homes and retirement communities. This research will examine questions such as whether vaccination against COVID-19 is protective, if booster shots are needed to prolong protection and whether older adults, especially those with complex health conditions like frailty, require other measures to keep them safe. Protective measures of immunity (e.g., antibody levels and immune cell responses) over time after vaccination will be examined in addition to the effects of biological factors (i.e., sex, frailty, other health conditions, prior infections) on those measures of protective immunity. Data from this study will inform initiatives to empower individuals and their families to make decisions about their health, as well as contribute to policy reforms in long-term care. 

Jessica Breznik

Supervisor: Dawn Bowdish, ​Medicine
Arthur Sweetman, Economics,
Paul McNicholas, Mathematics & Statistics

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MIRA and Labarge funding has supported many bold research projects to optimize the health and longevity of older adults.

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